TIMO 從VPbank換成Viet Capital Bank詳細說明
但是人不在越南或是來不及去換TIMO Plus的人怎麼辦?
大家好,雖然小弟我人在越南,但是為了這個TIMO也是傷透腦筋,為什麼呢? 因為它就只有四個hang out(就是辦事處啦) ,雖然它是外國人唯一可以接觸到越南銀行的途徑(為了定存),哈哈。
首先vpbank會一直寄信給你,哈哈,講是這樣講,不過基本上也只說他會幫你註冊VPbank,讓你可以繼續使用這樣,雖然9/8前有收到通知,但是完全不知道她在說什麼,也懶得去管,就這樣過了9/8之後,當天下午他會寄簡訊到你當時註冊的手機,當然啦 ,總共我收到了3封,一封英文跟你說它會寄操作步驟到你信箱中,剩下兩封都是越文啦,但是就是這兩封非常重要,為什麼?
因為裡面有一個otp的啟用碼,就是手機驗證碼啦,vpbank因為是幫你轉換,所以第一次的時候就是固定要用這組登入vpbank otp app,之後網銀跳出來的otp登入都要透過這個app計算。
- Tên đăng nhập: 你的登入帳號
- Phương thức nhận OTP mặc định: Smart OTP
(Hướng dẫn kích hoạt smart OTP tại: Bit.ly/VPBankSmartOTP) - Số điện thoại đăng ký dịch vụ: 電話號碼
- Email đăng ký dịch vụ: 當時註冊的email
你需要先下載vpbank otp這個 app,然後下載好之後,先註冊,用你簡訊上面的otp啟用碼,這樣你就可以成功使用vpbank otp了。
之後才可以去vpbank上面做登陸,旁邊有語系可以做切換,不過也就英文越文兩種,登入帳號就是email裡面的那一串數字,密碼則是簡訊裡面的一串很長的密碼,之後才會跳出要輸入otp驗證碼,這時候打開你手機的vpbank otp,把數字填進去。這樣就完成了登入了,可以正常的改密碼了。
基本上就這樣到一段落了,因為剩下的資料你只能看,也不能操作,所以你還要先去一趟vpbank了更新資料,才能做其他的操作了,另外網銀都改好之後,再下載vpbank app比較好,主要我是直接在電腦上操作做修改的。
TIMO changed from VPbank to Viet Capital Bank in detail
But what about people who are not in Vietnam or who are too late to change TIMO Plus?
Hello, everyone, although my little brother is in Vietnam, but for this TIMO, it’s a headache. Why? Because it only has four hang out (that’s the office), although it is the only way for foreigners to access Vietnamese banks. (For fixed deposit), haha.
First of all, vpbank will always send you a letter, haha, that’s how it is said, but basically it only says that he will help you register VPbank so that you can continue to use this way. Although I received a notification before 9/8, I don’t know at all. What she was talking about, I didn’t bother to care about it. After 9/8, he would send a text message to your registered mobile phone in the afternoon. Of course, I received 3 letters in total, one in English saying that it would Send the steps to your mailbox. The remaining two are in Vietnamese, but these two are very important. Why?
Because there is an otp activation code, which is the mobile phone verification code, vpbank is to help you convert, so the first time you must use this group to log in to vpbank otp app, the otp login that pops out from online banking must go through this app calculation.
Alright, all the information is there, what should I do now?
Just open the email you registered at the time and find the letter sent by vpbank. It looks like this.
There will be the following information
Tên đăng nhập: Your login account
Phương thức nhận OTP mặc định: Smart OTP
(Hướng dẫn kích hoạt smart OTP tại: Bit.ly/VPBankSmartOTP)
Số điện thoại đăng ký dịch vụ: phone number
Email đăng ký dịch vụ: Email registered at that time
Do you think you can log in this way? You underestimate this disturbing vpbank.
You need to download the vpbank otp app first, and then after downloading it, register first, and use the otp enable code on your newsletter, so that you can use vpbank otp successfully.
I didn’t know at first, but it took a long time to find out.
After that, you can log in on vpbank. There are languages next to it to switch, but there are two types of English and Vietnamese. The login account is the string of numbers in the email, and the password is the long string of passwords in the SMS. It will pop up to enter the otp verification code. At this time, open the vpbank otp of your mobile phone and fill in the number. This completes the login and can change the password normally.
What do you say that this user is unable to recite the number? Do you think that you are the only one who has this problem? Sorry, so do I, so press the setting in vpbank online banking, so you can change the user name .
Basically, this is the end of the paragraph, because you can only view the rest of the information, but you can’t operate it, so you have to go to vpbank to update the information before you can do other operations. In addition, after the online banking is changed, you can It’s better to download the vpbank app, I mainly modify it directly on the computer.
In addition, Vietnam has not yet opened entry for everyone, so please wait slowly.