1.台灣的,處理台灣的就很簡單,把HSBC TW的APP打開,簡訊收一收,就改好了,難度真的超低。
2. 香港的,這真是機歪(嚴謹),好吧,經過打了多次的客服電話,這電話真的無敵難打,每次都要等個10多分鐘以上,我後來都直接放擴音了,管他去死,因為真的每次都忙線,不知道是不是匯豐裁光光客服(服務主任)了,好吧,問了很多次之後,終於得到一個結論,就是你可以轉用手機APP,那好吧,可是我每次都卡住,因為都收不到簡訊阿~~最後才知道,因為受不了的打去罵客服,當時在香港匯豐總行留的電話號碼,不能用台灣的09xx阿,前面那個0一定要去掉阿,最保險的做法是+8869xxxxx之類,這真是切身之痛啊,因為你問當時服務行員,她一定會跟你說你留台灣的電話號碼也可以,可是她不會跟你說你前面的0不要寫啊(內心大喊崩潰),算了,都到這地步了。只能好聲好氣的問她怎麼處理,她說那很簡單啊,你把資料填一填寄回來,WTF,跟台灣的怎麼跟不一樣??? 台灣小姐都是直接幫你改好,然後發簡訊到你手機確認驗證碼,不過為了我的錢也只好耐住性子,從網路上抓PDF下來列印填寫,並且好了乖乖的抄好匯豐戶口服務部的資料。
HSBC Account Service Department 1/F, HSBC Centre Tower 2, 1 Sham Mong Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong
香港九龍 大角咀深旺道1號 匯豐中心2座1樓 戶口服務部 收
寄過去之後,說是會信件通知我,不過我懶得等,直接打去問她,結果她才說,你那ID要用以前護照上的資料,問題是台灣每換一次護照會得到不同號碼阿~~ 她不知道台灣人常在換護照嘛….
3. 越南的,越南就簡單了阿,有多簡單呢??就是你直接本人去銀行就可以了,建議帶上舊的小精靈,因為畢竟你是外國人,這邊要你做什麼就做什麼....外國人在越南的經驗談(血淚史)
HSBC Bank Security Device
I really can’t guess this stuff
Since I am a Taiwanese worker
Mainly because there are security devices (elves) in three countries. I didn’t expect it to be out of power. I don’t know what happened (inner OS: it sucks), but I don’t repeat it, the money is in others’ houses. It’s a bank, so I had to think of a way to deal with it.
For Taiwanese, it is very simple to deal with Taiwanese. Open the HSBC TW APP and receive the newsletter and it will be changed. It is difficult to be really super low.
From Hong Kong, this is really crooked (rigorous). Well, after many customer service calls, this call is really invincible and difficult to make. Every time I have to wait for more than 10 minutes, I will directly play the PA afterwards. Let him die, because it’s really busy every time, I don’t know if HSBC Tailor Guangguang Customer Service (Service Director), okay, after asking many times, I finally got one, you can switch to your mobile phone APP, okay, but I get stuck every time because I can’t receive the newsletter~~ I finally found out, because I couldn’t bear to call and scold the customer service. The phone number I left at the HSBC head office in Hong Kong could not be used in Taiwan. 09xx, the 0 in front must be removed. The safest way is + 8869xxxxx. This is really a personal pain, because you ask the service clerk at that time, she will tell you that your phone number in Taiwan is OK. , But she won’t tell you not to write the zero in front of you (shouting collapse in your heart), forget it, it’s all here. I can only ask her how to deal with it in a good voice, she said that it is very simple, you fill in the information and send it back, WTF, how is it different from the Taiwanese? Taiwanese girls will directly help you correct them, and then Send a text message to your mobile phone to confirm the verification code, but for the sake of my money, I had to be patient, grab the PDF from the Internet and print it out, and copy the information of the HSBC account service department obediently.
The address of the HSBC Account Service Department is as follows:
HSBC Customer Service Department, 1st Floor, 2nd Floor, HSBC Centre, 1 Sham Mong Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Account Service Department, 1st Floor, HSBC Tower 2, 1 Sham Mong Road, Tai Kok Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong
To add, it won’t matter if the postal code is not written, because the Hong Kong postal code is no longer used before, and it is not helpful to write the group of mainland supplies to Hong Kong. Just write it like this.
After sending it, I said that I would be notified by a letter, but I was too lazy to wait and called and asked her directly. Then she said that your ID must use the information in the previous passport. The problem is that Taiwan will get a different number every time you change your passport. ~~She didn’t know that Taiwanese often exchange passports…
Forget it, in short, this is what caused me to send another document in the past, I hope it can be done this time.
In Vietnam, Vietnam is simple. How simple is it?? You can go to the bank directly. It is recommended to bring your old elf, because after all, you are a foreigner and you can do whatever you want here. …Experiences of foreigners in Vietnam (history of blood and tears)
In conclusion, quickly replace the HSBC elf. I really don’t know when it will run out of power. It’s super invincible.